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rosa parks生平簡介(rosa parks)

導讀 關于rosa parks生平簡介,rosa parks這個問題很多朋友還不知道,今天小六來為大家解答以上的問題,現(xiàn)在讓我們一起來看看吧!1、Rosa and

關于rosa parks生平簡介,rosa parks這個問題很多朋友還不知道,今天小六來為大家解答以上的問題,現(xiàn)在讓我們一起來看看吧!

1、Rosa and Raymond Parks Institute for Self Development Celebrates the Life of Dr. Johnnie Rebecca Daniels Carr January 26, 1911 ?February 22, 2008 There was a big welcome party as Rosa Parks?dear friend, Johnnie Rebecca Daniels Carr joined the ancestors. We have so many fond memories of her at the Institute, traveling with us, visiting the home of her friend Rosa with her husband Arlam, welcoming Rosa to her home with Pathways to Freedom youth, eating outh watering?food that she prepared through her ninety seven years and listening to the wonderful ovement and life?stories from one who experienced it all. We miss her but, Oh; we have so much to share! Mrs. Carr and Mrs. Parks met in the 1920 at the Montgomery Industrial School for Girls; known as, iss White Private School for Colored Girls", in the fifth grade. The young ladies, Rosa and Johnnie, with other classmates that lived into their nineties were taught subjects to be employed. Subjects included but were not limited to, reading, writing, arithmetic, cooking, sewing, art, care giving and cleaning. Several students earned their scholarship money by performing domestic chores before and after class, some were disciplined by doing chores, all were taught to be neat and tidy. Mrs. Carr was married to Arlam over sixty years and it was her second marriage. She had five generations. They both enjoyed the insurance business where they worked together and they both enjoyed registering people to vote. When Mr. Carr made his transition in 2004 at ninety five, he was still the top voter registrar in Montgomery. As one of the founding members of the Montgomery Improvement Association (MIA) with Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and its president for forty nine years, Dr. Johnnie Carr retired as president in 2007. She had a full life and continued to make appearances until her massive stroke on February 11. Rosa and Raymond Parks Institute will proudly share her legacy with the many other organizations she founded, led or supported. We are privileged to have known her intimately. Did you know? Mrs. Rosa Parks named the Institute to honor her husband Raymond Parks? Fact: Mrs. Parks so dearly loved her husband and wanted to honor him for his life threatening contribution to civil rights, voting rights and his life time devotion to her in her activism and commitment to improve the lives of children.。


