導(dǎo)讀 大家好,笑笑來為大家解答以上的問題。ziggy翻譯,ziggy這個很多人還不知道,現(xiàn)在讓我們一起來看看吧!1、Ziggy is a cartoon created b
1、Ziggy is a cartoon created by Tom Wilson, an American Greetings executive. The character was originally inspired by the comic "Zigfried Schlump" drawn by a college student with the pseudonym "clawmute" at the University of Akron, in Ohio. Craig Yoe, an employee of American Greetings at that time, collected some of these and showed them to Tom Wilson, who was inspired to recast the character as Ziggy. 最早是美國漫畫家,美國最大賀年卡公司American Greetings 的管理人員Tom wilson 創(chuàng)建的卡通人物名,靈感來自于一個學(xué)生的漫畫,應(yīng)該沒有別的意思了。
2、人名可以翻譯成齊杰 杰基法、德、英都沒有這個詞的含義,人名其實有可能是自己造的 不一定都有含義地~zigguratKK: []DJ: []n.1. 古代亞述及巴比倫之寶塔式建筑。