關(guān)于applied ocean research審稿周期,applied ocean research這個問題很多朋友還不知道,今天小六來為大家解答以上的問題,現(xiàn)在讓我們一起來看看吧!
1、Applied ocean research是的英國e69da5e6ba907a686964616f31333337616634期刊。
2、但是屬于ELSEVIER 出版社,ELSEVIER出版社是荷蘭的。
3、The aim of Applied Ocean Research is to encourage the submission of papers that advance the state of knowledge in a range of topics relevant to ocean engineering. These topics include: * Experimental fluid mechanics * Computational fluid mechanics * Hydrodynamics and wave dynamics * Fluid/structure interaction * Ocean towing and installation * Mooring systems * Safety and reliability * Structural mechanics * Structural dynamics * Sea bed geophysics, soil mechanics and sedimentology * Structural fatigue * Pipelines and risers * Floating production systems * Stochastic processes It is important that all papers, particularly the very theoretical ones, should stress the practical importance and applicability of their contents. Purely theoretical papers with no application are discouraged.。